Bad Boy 2016


The 2016 Bad Boy (aka naughty Jean-Luc Thunevin) is a blend 5% Cabernet Sauvignon and the remainder Merlot. It has a fragrant, quite floral bouquet this year with scents of black cherries, incense, and a touch of vanilla pod. The palate is medium-bodied with firm tannin, fresh in the mouth with a citrus line of acidity, slightly granular in texture towards the finish that has good, Médoc-like structure.

Chateau Valandraud
 14.5%ABV/ 750ml

10 in stock

Château Valandraud’s garagiste owner, Jean-Luc Thunevin is best know for his stunning Saint-Émilion-Château Valandraud, as well as his successful career as a Bordeaux negociant. Produced from a careful selection of vines from the Right bank, from properties managed or advised by J.L.Thunevin, the BAD BOY is an original cuvée created in 2000. The grapes are harvested and vinified under the constant and careful watch of his team in order to bottle one of the best Bordeaux reds. The idea of calling this cuvée “Bad Boy” (or Mauvais Garçon ) came from Robert Parker’s nickname for Jean-Luc Thunevin as the American critic regularly called “Bordeaux’s black sheep” or “Saint Émilion’s Bad Boy”.

此葡萄酒名为‘BadBoy’ 是以创新精神的‘车库酒教父‘Jean-Luc Thunevin 所酿造。
1989年买下0.6公顷的葡萄园,1991 年酿出仅 1500 瓶的葡萄酒。
二年后酿出了被世界著名的评酒家 Robert Parker 评为 “波尔多最高评分”
的瓦兰德侯酒庄 (Château Valandrau) 葡萄酒,使其一举成名!

‘BadBoy’这个名称是Robert Parker戏称Jean-Luc Thunevin时而来。
精选的Merlot和用百分百法国新橡木桶酿造,是一款新的AOC Bordeaux
为了追求更多的细腻柔顺,并加入5%的Cabernet Franc,让口感含有更多的复杂性。



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